
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

As of the moment:

My own version of the Sunday Currently blog post. I didn't have the patience or energy to wait for Sunday to arrive, so I decided to rehash the Sunday Currently and add some of my own! However, don't forget to check out the creator of Sunday Currently-- or Sidda

As of the moment I am:
  • reading: The Cuckoo's Calling written by Robert Galbraith a.k.a. J.K. Rowling. I'm not going to compare this book to the Harry Potter series as these two books fall under two totally unrelated genres of literature.
  • watching: Nothing at the moment. I was supposed to have a movie date with two of my closest friends but sadly it was postponed due to the spontaneous HOHOL of the complicated family + the inconvenient fever I had last night.
  • writing: A short story.
  • listening: To Icarus by Bastille! My music taste is very limited, so discovering an artist who's new and unique gives me a certain unsolicited thrill. <33
  • wishing:  For a new camera or even better, a new phone. I know that the quality of a photo is not measured by the amount of money spent on the device taking it, however it would be nice to be able to take a photo without worrying if it's dark or pixelated.
  • relishing: That post-exam feeling + the idea of a six-day long weekend! 


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