
About the Blogger

My name is Ica. I'm sixteen years old. Full fledged Filipina. In a few months time, I will be graduating (ideally with honors) from St. Theresa's College, Quezon City. I hope to be taking Broadcast Communication in either UP Diliman or Ateneo de Manila in a few months' time. Hopefully, this will serve as a pre-law. I have heard countless number of times that I would make a good lawyer, and I am seriously considering taking up law abroad for a master's degree. My dream university has always been Stanford University, but seeing as I don't have enough resources as of the moment, I'll have to conform to what I have now. I'm still not giving up on it. I simply believe that it'll be delayed for a few years.

This blog is my creativity and thoughts dump.

If I have time, I'll probably post some of my Photoshop edits, some pictures and other hopefully interesting things. However, inspite of this, the only talent which I really take pride in is my ability to write-- as it is my greatest asset. The rest are simple hobbies and past times which I do when I have free time (which is rare).

I hope you enjoy my ramblings and optimism (haha, yeah)! Enjoy.


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