
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I am bored. Never in my entire life have I been as bored as I am now.

I'm bored with Twitter. I'm bored with Facebook. I'm bored with Tumblr. I'm bored even during the times I'm not supposed to be bored.

It's a tedious and absolutely boring summer vacation, and I cannot wait for review classes to start--- on my birthday. Now I know it's not the greatest birthday present ever, but if it stops the monotone, dull flow of my summer vacation then so be it.

Yes, I'm that desperate. No hate.

Actually, what surprises me the most is the boring part of the summer. Whatever happened to Seize the Day? What ever happened to Carpe Diem (redundant I know lol)? What ever happened to YOLO?

It's the summer of my third year, a very not-so-different kind of summer from the previous summerse, yet I'm complaining more than I used to before. It's as if the hectic third year life has left me in this state of entropy. It's as if I know I'm supposed to relax, read books, watch movies and the like but there's that part of me that's dying to write another script for Maganda Pa Ang Daigdig, or if worst comes to worst, create a new Research paper. (I'm over reacting here. I would give anything not to revise another paper on the differences of isoprpyl alcohol and water.)

And what's worse is the fact that I haven't done anything yet to alleviate the boredom of summer. I haven't even bothered to update this old blog. It's only now after a friend tweeted about finding my blog (which I almost replied brb killing myself) that I fight the heat of hell, in order to write this article (which is filled with my bull). Sigh. I don't want to repeat the stress of third year, but I certainly want to feel alive and useful. I can't wait for April 15.

Oh dear god, this girl needs to find her Phineas.

Sidenote: I'll update this every Tuesday (yes, I know I'm saying this on a Thursday but whatever), in order to stay true to my username: tuesdayswithica.


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